Maintaining a healthy diet is more important than ever during the pandemic, where we are spending more time than ever before at home. One thing we can do is pay attention to our health and take the time to improve our food habits.

It should be noted that nowadays, we have more time to eat and less time to exercise (which results in lower energy expenditure). Therefore, it is important to maintain a more frugal diet: moderate in energy and rich in fiber and water. Fruits and vegetables will be our best friends if we make them the heart of our diet.

Here are some tips for eating well during quaranite:


Plan your weekly menu, taking the following  into account:

  • The concept of a healthy dish.
  • Eat vegetables during meals: not only at lunch or dinner but also at snack time. The more the better!
  • Include clean sources of protein in your main meals: legumes, fish, eggs, white or lean meats.
  • With so much time at our disposal, the temptation to snack between hours will often appear. Make a ‘corner of temptations’ with healthy snacks: fresh or dried fruit, raw unsalted nuts, infusions, and the like.
  • Remember to involve the little ones in this planning, it is the perfect opportunity to teach them the importance of nutrition and organization!


  • Make a big weekly purchase of groceries and try as best as possible to follow your plan.
  • When buying products for a week or more, remember that seasonal fruits and vegetables are ideal.
  • Buy different legumes: take advantage of this healthy, versatile, and inexpensive food source.
  • Buy fresh fish to be eaten the same day, or frozen to consume during the week.
  • Remember eggs! They have a long shelf life and can be prepared in many ways, plus they are cheap.
  • Whole-grain bread is the best.
  • Forget pre-cooked foods, you have more time than ever to cook!

Your Kitchen

  • Clean meticulously. Not only your cooking area, but your fruits and vegetables, and, of course, your hands.
  • If you don’t like frozen bread, dare to make homemade bread! Why not?
  • It’s an unparalleled opportunity to cook as a family, so choose the menu with the little ones and cook together.
  • Take advantage of finding suitable vegetable recipes for children and expanding the menu for future meals.
  • Use video calls to share time in the kitchen with friends and family. It’s time to learn the recipes that your friends and family might have hidden away!


  • Make sure to focus on hydration during meals and drink plenty of water during the day.
  • Adapt your favorite physical exercises to the home environment. You can find countless ideas online and with the many fitness apps that are available nowadays.
  • Make time for sunbathing! If you have the chance, soak up the sun by the window or stay close to it while listening to music, reading, etc. Vitamin D is vital for your overall health and happiness!