Although we are always afraid to reach old age and spend much of our lives in search of the source of eternal youth, the truth is that getting older has its benefits.

As the years go by, we see our appearance and attitudes change. We reach an age when wrinkles begin to pop the skin, memory no longer works as in youth and we face a pivotal moment for many older adults, retirement.

For some, unemployment is a complex situation that arises from quitting their jobs, all the while still feeling able to contribute to society. Others see this opportunity to enjoy and take advantage of their free time as they have never been able to before.

We live in a society that does not value the experience of older adults, making it depressing for many to reach the elderly. For others, aging is a stage of life that offers many opportunities to be happy and enjoy life.

Do you know what older adults are like today? After reading these features you will see how important the experience is to the development of our happiness.

1. You achieve well-being

Experience allows us to get to know each other and ourselves better, being able to control our social behaviors and emotional instincts. As we reach the seniors, we know who we are by allowing ourselves to be happier.

2. You are mentally sharper

Although older adults are often belittled in the world of work for their competencies, they achieve high levels of concentration on specific tasks. In addition, they manage to have the same performance as a younger person, in tasks oriented to their abilities.

3. You have better social skills

According to a study by the University of Michigan, older adults are able to better resolve social conflicts because they tend to have more objective positions regarding the problem they face. In turn, they are able to give more reasonable solutions and advice, than someone could give less.

4. You have less stress

Although older adults have age-specific problems, they still manage to leave others behind. Stress from overwork or problems related to parenting and growth are lessened after age 65. They maintain more resolute lives in every way, resulting in a decrease in anxiety.

5. You maintain stable relationships

Couples who have been together for many years have gone through difficult processes, allowing them to learn from each other. Older adults tend to better demonstrate their love and respect. In addition, the absence of children in the house allows the couples to connect in new ways again.


Aging well

Of course, these benefits might be all for naught if you reach old age without taking care of yourself.

We can thus assume that the benefits of aging are always when taken in the context of aging with good health. This means taking care of yourself so as to enjoy the aforementioned benefits.

In recent years, life expectancy at birth has increased considerably, but the increase in life in good health has not been as significant. One of the main goals of active aging is to prevent the disease or act as a palliative booster when it already exists, so that we not only live longer, but also do it in better conditions.

Our behaviors, such as moderate exercise, healthy eating or getting enough sleep, are determining factors of well-being and health, so it is highly recommended to keep them (or if it is necessary even to start them), in the elderly. On the other hand, these habits contribute to the greatest sensations of control and self-efficacy, which positively influence our self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Physical activity not only lowers the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes or heart disease, it also influences the mood of the elderly and even some studies suggest that it helps them maintain their cognitive abilities for longer.

Getting Old the Right Way

The recommendations for active aging are not so different from those that benefit us in the rest of our life:

  • Exercise: for people over 65 healthy years are advised to do about 20 minutes a day of moderate aerobic activity, such as walking, stretching, dancing, etc.
  • Eating well: it is essential to follow a healthy and as varied diet as possible, with an abundance of fruits and vegetables, as well as quality proteins and fats, legumes and whole grains.
  • Keep the mind active: cognitive tasks such as reading, learning some language or a new subject, watching movies, doing crafts or playing as a group, are all essential to keep our minds well.
  • Taking care of social relationships: retirement is not a reason to disconnect us from society, older people have much to contribute and also to enjoy daily contact with others.