While everybody is different, and every person has a unique metabolism, there are some general guidelines for how long it takes to get into the fat-burning zone known as ketosis.

Generally speaking, it takes between one and ten days to get into ketosis if you stick to your ketogenic diet. The time depends on prior nutrition, the body’s metabolism and other factors such as supplements and fasting.

It’s impossible to tell with pinpoint accuracy how long it will take to get into ketosis but we can get within the ballpark.

Don’t fear below we have plenty of tips to make ketosis kick in quickly!

One way to check

Getting into ketosis is what makes the ketogenic diet, “keto” in the first place. Ketosis happens when you increase blood ketone levels through high fat and low carb eating.

Ketosis supercharges your body to be in an optimal fat-burning zone but not only that.

Being in ketosis gives you lasting, sustained energy, enhanced cognition, improved focus, and other neuroprotective benefits. As well as the coveted weight loss benefits of ketosis.

Being on the Ketogenic Diet and having your body rely on fats as fuel through ketosis comes with cardiovascular benefits as well as weight loss.


Benefits of ketosis:

    • Research shows that ketosis lowers bad LDL cholesterol while increasing good HDL cholesterol.
    • Ketosis decreases a person’s risk of heart disease
    • Research has shown that ketosis improves insulin resistance
    • here are also studies into the ketogenic diet’s effects on Alzheimer’s Disease and Bipolar Disorder (among others) that have shown promising results.
    • The Ketogenic Diet itself was used in the early 1900s to control epileptic seizures. It is still used today for those resistant to seizure medication. But we won’t dive deeply into all of that today.
    • Ketosis helps turn your body from burning carbs as fuel to burning fat, which results in fat loss.<>Ketosis has cognitive benefits, improving mood, focus, and general well being.

Why Does Ketosis Take Some People Longer?

The reason it takes some people longer to get into ketosis is that we all have unique metabolisms.

Insulin resistance and previous diet dictate how we metabolize glucose, which is important for ketosis.

These are some of the main factors that differentiate us from one another have an impact on why ketosis takes longer in some than others.