1. Sugar influences our mood

In small amounts, sugar helps release Serotonin, which provides us with a feeling of widespread well-being. However, overconsumption can lead to depression and anxiety. Sudden changes in blood sugar levels can cause irritability, mood swings and nervousness.

2. Sugar accelerates aging

The culprit is glycation, a process derived from an inadequate sugar-rich diet. Excess glucose finds no vehicles that transport them to cells and ends up binding to proteins like collagen. As a result, collagen fibers tighten and the skin loses elasticity. Waste is not removed and the skin becomes sagging and vulnerable to aging.

3. Sugar destroys intestinal flora

A healthy intestinal flora promotes digestion and protects the digestive system from harmful bacteria. High sugar consumption encourages the reproduction of fungi and parasites that inhabit our gut. Especially that of candida, a yeast-shaped fungus that in large quantities causes many infections. Sugar also causes flatulence, constipation and diarrhea.

4. Sugar is addictive

The brain of obese people reacts to sugar in a similar way to alcohol or other addictive substances, as it releases dopamine in large amounts. Check it out for yourself: for ten days remove sugar from your diet. If on the second day you already feel a headache, irritability and your body asks you for something sweet, you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

5. Sugar increases aggression

People who consume a lot of sugar are more prone to aggression. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children is also known to be heavily influenced by sugar. The more they consume the worse they concentrate, the more nervous they are and the more it takes them to sit for a long time. School-age children are advised to avoid sugar.

6. Sugar weakens the immune system

Sugar overconsumption can inhibit the immune system and weaken defenses against infectious diseases. Shortly after consumption, the immune system weakens by 40%. Sugar steals vitamin C that white blood cells need to fight viruses and bacteria. It also creates a tendency to inflammation, which in turn can trigger many diseases.

7. Sugar promotes the onset of Alzheimer’s

Many studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. A 2013 report found that insulin resistance and high blood sugar values (two clear symptoms of diabetes) are also linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

8. Sugar increases your risk of cancer

Cancer cells feed on sugar. A team of scientists from Harvard Medical School investigates the role of sugar in the appearance of cancer cells. They argue that, in many cases, cancer can only occur with high sugar consumption. Although it is not yet proven, it is recommended, also for thin people, to consume as little sugar as possible.

9. Sugar is fattening

Sugar is rapidly absorbed in the form of glucose and provides energy immediately. If it is not consumed at the moment, the body stores it by transforming it into fat. On the other hand, fructose, present in vegetables and fruits, is metabolized and stored in the liver. A fructose-rich diet can produce fatty liver disease and insulin resistance, which can lead to type II diabetes.

10. Sugar makes you dumb

High sugar intake can damage memory. A study at the Charité Clinic in Berlin found that people with very high sugar have a smaller hippocampus. This region of the brain is very important for long-term memory. The subjects of this study showed a worse memory in the tests than those with low sugar.