Our brain, like the rest of the body, relies on nutrients to function properly. The foods we eat have an important role not just on our physical, but mental health as well. There have been a number of convincing studies that back this out, such as this study from the University of Illinois that shows healthy blood level molecules like lycopene, omega-3, B-vitamins are correlated not only to cognitive but also to brain functions. 

How Diet Improves Your Intelligence


Childhood Diet

Studies have shown that diets high in sugar, fats, processed foods are lowering children’s IQ. Children who ate fruits, fish, and vegetables regularly had higher IQ scores. 

Blood Sugar

Our brain uses more energy than any other organ in the human body and it relies on glucose as a primary source of fuel. When our brain is exposed to excessive amounts of sugar, it can impair our cognitive skills and self-control. High blood sugar can affect your brain’s functions. It can also cause the brain to shrink. 


Avoid Processed Foods

The added ingredients in processed foods can affect your mental health. Not to mention, the excess amounts of salt, sugar, and preservatives that not can not only lower your intelligence level but can also increase the risk of degenerative diseases. 

Foods that Boost Intelligence

Fermented Foods

Research shows that bacteria in our guts can have a direct impact on our brains. 

The best foods that benefit our brain are those high in probiotic bacteria such as miso, kefir, and kimchi. 



Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega-3, fatty acids, DHA, and EPA which have incredible health benefits to our mind and body. It also contains B vitamins that are important for proper brain functioning. 



Eating a variety of seafood two to three times a week can boost brain functions and help reduce the risk of heart disease. Seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA which helps combat the negative effects of stress. EPA also reduces the inflammation of brain cells. 


Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that release free radicals within our bodies and reduce inflammation. Inflammation in the brain not only increases the risk of depression, but can also increase the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. 



Chocolate not only provides us with energy and endorphins, but it also improves our healing and memory. Caffeine found in chocolate helps you to stay alert and be focused, while flavonoids improve brain functions. Dark chocolate is the best chocolate to increase your intelligence as it contains high levels of flavonoids that can boost blood flow and improve the brain’s cognitive functions. 


Coffee and Tea

Caffeine can boost your memory, alertness, and cognitive functions.  When taken in moderation, it has been shown to increase your focus and improve test scores.

A healthy, balanced diet can be beneficial to improving not just your overall health, but your mental health as well. There are numerous studies that show certain nutrients that are important for brain function and cognitive performance. This goes to show that what you consume affects your brain’s health and functions; thus, affecting your intelligence.