Many of us have anxious feelings running through our bodies regularly. That feeling comes from many reasons such as the feeling that someone might grab you in a dark alleyway, the sound of fire alarm near your neighborhood, or the feeling that your home is not that safe anymore.


Feeling safe is fundamental to our overall well being. We all need to feel safe so that we can face the world without worrying about what could happen regardless of the challenges or chaos we might face. Most of our anxiety and fear are needless, and we can get rid of it by only doing the things that will make us feel safe and secure both mentally and emotionally.


Your home is your haven. It is where you are at your best self, where your mind doesn’t wander off or worry too much about everything else. If you feel worried or anxious at home, it can affect your overall wellbeing, particularly your mental health. Here are some ways to make you feel safer at home.


Have a well-lit home

You know how uncomfortable it is when you walk down a poorly lit alley. You’ll have a lot of things rolling about your head on what could happen to you as you walk by that dark alley. This also goes true with your home. The moment you enter your home and open the lights, you should feel that nothing is lurking about at the corners of your home. Dark and poorly lit homes will make you feel like somebody may be hiding and waiting for the right moment to grab hold of you. During the dark winter nights, an adequately lit home can prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This condition can cause anxiety, low self-esteem, and low energy levels, and it affects around 29 percent of adults during the winter season.


Fortify your home

At there core, home security systems are made to prevent break-ins and any adverse effects that accompany it. But it is not about protecting your possessions; it is about maintaining the wellbeing of you and your family members. When you feel your home is not secured enough, you’ll experience anxiety and sleeplessness. By helping avoid break-ins, your fortifying your home with a decent home security system can prevent you from having unnecessary emotional stress.


Have a comfortable bed

Nothing feels safer than having a comfortable bed after a long hard day at work. The cool sheets and a comfortable pillow makes you feel right at home. There’s a lot to do with the comfort of your bed and sheets to how you’ll feel safe. When you are comfortable, your body can relax, this will result in healthy sleep and wake up in the morning feeling happy and well-rested.


Get a Pet

Not everyone likes to be home alone, but getting a pet like a cat or animal can make you feel safer. Cats and dogs are great companions. You can often see the smiles on their faces the moment you open the door. They’ll be happy to hear about how awful or great your day went. Additionally, they are excellent cuddle buddies.


Know your neighbors

If you’re one of those who have no idea who their neighbors are, you need to start befriending them. Knowing your neighbors will give you a sense of peace. You’ll all respect one another’s privacy, and they are less likely to invade your space. Living in a neighborhood where you know each other can increase your family’s safety and help thwart any criminal activity. Exchange phone numbers to at least five neighbors whom you trust the most. It’s not just to keep in touch, but to make you feel safe knowing that you’ll have someone to rely on in case something went wrong.